Alumni at work
Alumni. Ideas. Projects. Accomplishments.
In celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Belarus visitors Hana Harshakova and her dance partner Ihar Kisialiou, World Wheelchair Ballroom Dance champions, meet with and teach a Master Class for differently-abled youth and adults at the USF School of Theater and Dance. The April 2015 event was organized by Ms. Merry Lynn Morris, MFA, a USF dance instructor and inventor of a new specialized dance performance wheelchair!
This special video was produced and directed by Alexa Davies (@lexi_davies), TV news producer and World Partnerships intern, on behalf of World Partnerships and the US Department of State. |
"Live" with World Partnerships alum Olive Burrows of Capital FM Kenya, President Barack Obama does an exclusive interview during his 2015 trip to Kenya!
Olive came to Tampa Bay in 2014 as a participant in the IVLP "Edward R. Murrow Program for Journalists." |
National Public Radio recently published an interview with alum Umaru Fofana about his outstanding daily coverage of the Ebola crisis in Sierra Leone in 2014-15. Fofana is publisher of Politico, and he reports worldwide on radio, television, and wire reports for the BBC World Service and Reuters. Umaru was an IVLP "Edward R. Murrow Program for Journalists" participant in 2011.
In the words of NPR reporter Nurith Aizenman "...the most noticeable thing about Fofana was his passion for justice. Even smaller wrongs — a waitress at our hotel who had been made to work long hours without a break, for instance — would get him fired up. So when the Ebola virus began its deadly march through the country, Fofana was consumed with what he describes as an inexpressible anguish — and a compulsion to kick his journalism into overdrive." |
![]() The Foundation for Skills Development (Nigeria) is a vocational, technical and entreprenurship training institute that has succeeded in training thousands of Nigerians and ensured their economic empowerment through hands on training programs. Transforming lives through skills development, and turning dreams into reality...every day in Nigeria, led by World Partnerships alum Omowale Ogunrinde! |
![]() In 2008, these three remarkable activists - part of an IVLP group of 28 physicians, health care professionals, non-profit leaders – came to World Partnerships on a worldwide project to build capacity for breast cancer awareness and treatment. They reunited in 2014 at the Apollo Cancer Conclave in India share their experiences in awareness-raising for breast cancer. Follow the remarkable work of Feza Sengel (Turkey), Biba Dodeva (Macedonia), and Neerja Malik (India)! |
World Partnerships alum Sun Mao Chao brings sustainable and
renewable power to rural communities through EcoSun, a social enterprise
working to provide sustainable energy/ electricity solutions for people and
communities in Cambodia. Mao was formerly with the Cambodia Rural Development Team, an NGO committed to protecting the environment and improving food security in rural communities in the Lower Mekong region.
"Breaking the mold" in education everyday in Palestine, IVLP Gold Star alum Aref Husseini arrived at World Partnerships to explore STEM and education innovation in the Tampa Bay area . Visit the "Al Nayzak" Science and Technology House and view the 10th anniversary video above to see how Aref and his team are bringing ideas and innovation to the next generation of Palestinian leaders in science, technology, engineering and mathematics!
2014 "IVLP Gold Star Alumni" Aref Hossieni tells his story about his path-breaking work for future scientists, engineers and entrepreneurs in the Palestinian Territories, and the impact of his original IVLP visit to the US. Arriving in Tampa Bay in February!
![]() Alumnus Anwesha Majumder says about her grassroots work with child laborers and trafficked youth in India: "I learned that if you talk, you are a bystander; if you do,
you are a leader." She joined the Child In Need Institute - India (CINI) to make a difference at the grassroots level, a world where she encountered brothels, small trafficking businesses and beggars networks, and myriad human rights violations.
![]() Christopher Mwambingu, an alum from Kenya, is Executive Director of the Taita Resource Center in Mwatate. He celebrated his birthday at a children's rescue center to plant some trees:
"Imagine if every birthday each one of us plant equal number of trees to the number of years we have lived on Earth.The world would remain green forever, full of life,with no hunger and climate change disasters." |
![]() UPCYCLE! Repurposing waste for a greener future...courtesy of Green The Gap Collective led by alum Vimlendu Jha, and the creative thinkers of the India's "New Generation!" Green The Gap Collective was recently selected for the 2013 "India Green Business Award"!
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"You can live without a temple or a road, but not water." A video featuring our World Partnerships Alumnus Vimlendu Jha, founder of Swechha - We For Change, in India.
![]() World Partnerships alum José Peralta Morales from Uruguay, is on a Fellowship in Canada, and just back from Cuba with interviews about press freedom in Cuba... "Cuba Libre?"
![]() 'Born This Way' Chronicles Plight of LGBTs in Cameroon: An article featuring the amazing and dedicated work of our alumnus Alice Nkom in Cameroon and Central Africa...
Congratulations to our friend and World Partnerships alumnus Adlene Meddi on tomorrow's launch of "El Watan 2014", covering Algeria's 2014 electoral cycle! Learn more at:
A news clip from Bangladesh, with World Partnerships alum Mostafa Jamal Poplu, live in his studio!
Special Needs students at PSE time. Belizean broadcast journalist Jose Sanchez tells a beautiful story about human beings helping other human beings to succeed. A news story that should mean something to us all.
![]() The US government has announced a $1-million reward for information “leading to the dismantling” of a key wildlife crime network exposed in "Killing for Profit: Exposing the Illegal Rhino Horn Trade" - investigative journalism by World Partnerships alum Julian Rademeyer! |
![]() Insights into today's Brazil by alumnus Humberto Adami Santos Junior, a noted jurist and scholar. |
![]() Red basil, a new Palestinian export to the US market...from alum and journalist Jameel Dababat, whose reporting always tells a story, and teaches us something. |
![]() Access to clean water is the foundation of so much life...there are so many solutions, but getting them to where they are needed is challenging - and absolutely of the many stories from alumnus Umar Weswala and The Community Agenda in Uganda...
![]() This haunting, stunning photo is part of a new project, called "Syrian Bedtime Stories" by alumnus Khaled El-Ekhetyar and a group of Syrian journalists. Its multimedia format combines photography and stories from the Syrian front. |