Scott Neil is a retired Special Forces Veteran with significant executive, operational and combat experience, having served as a Senior Advisor to several General Officers, Senior Civilian Policy Makers, National Members of Interagency Task Forces as well as several House and Senate Committee Members. Following the tragic events of 9/11, he conducted numerous successful special operation combat missions as part of the Commander’s In-Extremis Forces, one of the first to lead the Direct Action and Counter-Terrorism charge into Afghanistan, Iraq, and the Horn of Africa. Scott survived numerous exposures to high explosive events that eventually sent him recover and continue service at the Headquarters of Special Operations Command in Tampa, FL. Following treatments for TBI and cognitive therapy, Scott became a voice in the veteran community as part of his relentless drive to ensure our veterans receive the necessary support needed to ensure a successful re-integration into civilian society. While working at the Green Beret Foundation, Scott developed and launched a transition and resiliency program for the Green Berets titled The Next Ridgeline that has been featured in a Veteran’s Day tribute by Google and the National 911 Museum. He actively collaborates with the George W. Bush Military Service Initiative and Team 43, a collaboration of former veterans and the former President and his staff, focused on the power of outdoor recreational sports such as Mountain Biking and Golf. President Bush recently painted a portrait of Scott and his story is featured in the former President’s best selling book “Portraits of Courage”. Scott continues to work with several Veterans Affairs Committees and the Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship championing key contemporary issues facing our veterans who are establishing their own veteran owned businesses. Recently, Scott started a craft distillery called American Freedom Distillery along with other Special Operations Veterans in the Tampa Bay Area. In addition to his speaking engagements mainly in Washington, DC and New York City, he is a regular contributor to major news and media outlets including Fox and Fox Business News, CNN, Newsmax, Global News, LA Times, and Bloomberg Business Week.
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